Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Top 5 Strategies to Build Muscle

Hi there! About 1 year ago I started working out! I read many books, took a lot of supplements including Protein shakes, Glutamine, etc. And at desperate times Creatine and even Steroids (for just a few days). I wanted to get buff fast so I had to find the best, fastest and cheapest way to get in shape!

So some of you who want to achieve the same things and want to get started might find these 5 strategies very useful, to either loose weight, get lean and especially build muscle and look really good :) !
Which brings us to...

Strategy number 5: Solo at the Gym!
First thing you usually do is sign up for a Gym Membership! This gives you access to a variety of equipment! This is something everyone should do. Only problems are, you have the equipment, but what's the most efficient way to get started? Everyone has to have their workout routine and the motivation to pull it off so that you feel good after 45-60 min of working out. It takes a lot more knowledge then you think to have a "good" workout!

Pros: All the equipment you need.
Cons: A lot of workout knowledge needed.
Price range: 20-60 $ monthly (140 $ for Equinox)

Strategy number 4: Supplements and a little cheating!
Here we have a very popular way of getting buff faster! Supplements, vitamins, steroids, etc..
Taking supplements can help you get there, but you would still need to work out. Creatine, Protein, Glutamine, Aminos... I've tried them all and the only supplement I would stick to is protein. The male body needs about the amount of protein in grams equal to your weight in pounds (you weight 170 lbs, you should have 170 gramms of protein daily). If you can afford glutamine and natural supplements then go for it. But I'd stay away from stronger ones like creatine and steroids. A good book I read on nutrition was eat stop eat.

Pros: Can be very useful if you know what you're doing.
Cons: You gotta know what you're doing!
Price range: Not really cheap.

Strategy number 3: Books to give you the Muscle!
I read many books to help me get the right workout routine! Yiou need to have a nutrition plan, and understanding of which muscle groups you can workout together in the same workout and just an understanding of sets, reps, cardio and etc. Either that or a personal trainer (Strategie 4) can help you understand this. Here are some handy fitness guides.

Pros: Cheap way to teach yourself!
Cons: you gotta like to read.
Price Range: 10 $ and up.

Strategy number 2: The Personal Trainer
This is something I did for a few weeks. A Personal trainer can help you do things you didn't know you could do. Depending on the trainer, you will hopefully learn a good workout routine as well as a nutrition plan.

Pros: They make sure you work out!
Cons: Pretty pricey and takes a good trainer.
Price range: 60-200 $ an hour.

Strategy number 1: All in one!
Finally, For those who want the most efficient way of getting buff, save time and money are these workout lessons in DVD or book form. Straight to the point!

Pros: No supplements, trainer or reading needed!
Cons: Nothing I can think of!
Price Range: 10-50 $

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